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Clean Energy, Clear Lungs Partners with Arizona Capitol Times for Morning Scoop

On October 5, 2023, a group of expert panelists gathered to discuss Phoenix’s ranking as one of the most polluted cities in the U.S. for ozone and particulate pollution, and how this disproportionately affects communities of color. The Clean Energy, Clear Lungs campaign partnered with the Arizona Capitol Times to host Morning Scoop, an event during which panelists discussed clean energy practices and policies that can reduce air pollution and improve lung health in the process.

Dr. Reginald Bolding, Founder of the Arizona Coalition for Change spoke on this panel, as did JoAnna Strother– Senior Director of the American Lung Association, Will Humble– Executive Director of the Arizona Public Health Association and Aaron Lieberman– Founder and CEO of Buzze.

“Right now in this country, high rates of asthma, poor lung health and poor respiratory health are a public health crisis,” said Dr. Bolding as part of his remarks. Part of the goal of the Morning Scoop was to find solutions to the problems poor air quality and air pollution cause in Arizona communities, particularly communities of color.

Panelists spoke on the importance of educating the public about how ozone pollution and particulate matter pollution affect our lungs and contribute to a wide range of health issues. As Maricopa County is the 7th most polluted county in the country, this information is critical. BIPOC communities in particular, which are often located near highways or in areas that don’t have tree cover, experience asthma and other respiratory problems at disproportionate rates.

Panelists also discussed solutions to this crisis, which include opportunities to make the purchase and ownership of electric vehicles more accessible, policy changes to reduce emissions by medium and heavy trucks, and the repeal of a 2010 Arizona law that prevents state agencies from monitoring greenhouse gas emissions.

Dr. Bolding highlighted that environmental justice includes not only working towards improved air quality for people in low-income communities, but also better energy efficiency at home and access to new technologies. The Clean Energy, Clear Lungs campaign works toward equity in all forms, and this panel discussion presented clear solutions to advance that goal.


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